Executive Board Bowne Park Civic Association

All the work involved to support the Bowne Park Civic Association’s efforts are provided by volunteers, e.g., photography, writing, maintenance of the membership files, website, etc. In addition, the officers of BPCA are all volunteers. We are a not-for profit civic assocation.


President Terry Korahais
Vice President John Procida
Treasurer Dahlia Benaroya
Recording Secretary Maria Medaglia
Corresponding Secretary Barbara Baruch

Newsletter/Website Staff

Editor Terry Korahais
Advertising Terry Korahais
Distribution/mailing Josephine Costello
Grace Schehr
Online Newsletter Dahlia Benaroya
Website Dahlia Benaroya


Membership Clarisse Procida,
Josephine Costello
Park Liaison Ron Aiello
Community Board 7 Joe Corbett
Hospitality Marie Medaglia,
Clarisse Procida
Welcoming Mary Berkery
Publicity/Community Outreach Clarisse Procida
Community Liaison
Barbara Baruch
Events Coordinator
Dr. Ron Ganik
Library in the Park Steward
Kathleen Zajaczkowski


Bowne Park Civic History

Originally 1940s to about 1950

Re-started by John Procida July 27, 1974

Past Presidents

Thomas McCallan 1974-1975
John Procida 1976-1987
Louis Calderaro 1988-1991
Lauren Napalitano 1992
Linda Speilman 1993-2003
William Robb 2003-2004
Thomas Feeks 2004-2005
Vincent Koenig 2006-2009
Wanda Beck Antosh 2009-2014
Barbara Embriano 2014-2024