Welcome to Bowne Park Civic Association
City of Yes Passed.
Background information:
Bowne Park Civic Association
Our Letter to Representatives and Government Officials
Looking back at
Bowne Park Civic Association
The Bowne Park Civic Association, a not-for profit organization, was born out of need. At 161st street and 29th avenue, there was the Bowne Park Bar. It was a neighborhood bar that was always quiet, but it was sold and the new owner brought in motorcycle clubs and noisier clientele that was not acceptable to the neighborhood. So the civic association was formed and with the help of State Senator Frank Padavan, we closed the bar.
Since then we have maintained our community in many ways. Your support for only $15 a year membership and your participation help maintain the community.
We stopped the city from putting up alternate side of the street parking signs throughout our area.
We sued the FFA about noisy aircraft flying low over our neighborhood.
We were one of the leaders in a fight by 1400 civic associations to prevent 100% re-assessing and passed S700a preventing the city from huge increases in your real estate taxes. For $15.00 we have saved you thousands of dollars each year. See VIDEO explaining this serious real estate tax issue.
We formed a neighborhood patrol that watched our area till late in the night. (Not now operating).
We put Stop signs where needed.
We closed a Gambling House that tried to operate in our area.
We put the Bocci courts in Bowne Park and generally monitor the park.
With the help of school children we plant trees in the park on Arbor Day every year.
We make sure that the city maintains all city services.
We hold open meetings with speakers on many important subjects.
We held a 10th year 9/11 Memorial in Bowne Park that drew over 1000 people.
We hold two Music In The Park days each year, drawing many people to enjoy 1950s music.
Every holiday season we light a Holiday tree and Menorah, giving free hot chocolate and cakes to a crowd of about 100 people while singing holiday songs.
We rented a dumpster so members could get rid of electronic equipment that sanitation will not take.
We hold candidates night so you can meet and hear the candidates running for office.
We conserve the association’s area as 1 and 2 family zoning.
We keep our community informed of new laws that the city makes and protest laws we don’t like.
We co-operate with other neighborhood and civic associations in promoting cultural events and fighting for the rights of our communities.
And all of this for $15.00 a year
Our political power comes from the number of paid members [voters] we boast.
Real Estate Taxes
Learn how your real estate taxes are determined and how to prevent changes to the system that will hurt you.
This 12-minute video by John Procida explains the whole history of assessing homes
and the Civic Associations’ efforts and solution that must be preserved.
Click on image or HERE to view video.
Shady Tactics of Pet Stores Hidden from Buyers
“A surprising number of people still don’t know that pet stores are bad places to acquire a dog—that they are, in fact, the harmless-looking, public face of a very shady and often cruel industry.”
- Most pet store puppies come from puppy mills.
- Fancy-sounding registrations are mostly meaningless sales tactics.
- Payment plans are unethical and exploitive.
Gifting of Animals
Gifting of animals for holiday events or any other events is detrimental to animals and a responsibility that recipients don’t necessarily want. Many such ‘gifts’ are discarded because there is no interest in the animals or they are too difficult to take care of.
These animals are typically euthanized or dumped somewhere where they die because they cannot take care of themselves.
Please do not gift animals. They are living, sentient beings that need a lot of care and love.
For more information:
Deadly Results
Earlier this month, several guinea pigs were dumped in Prospect Park and left for dead.
Luckily someone willing to rescue them passed by to help. Without this person’s support, these animals would have frozen to death, starved to death, or would have been attacked by hawks circling above.
Guinea pigs depend on humans to survive.
Allowing guinea pigs to be purchased, unsterilized, from pet stores in the city leads to rapid reproduction and overflowing shelters struggling to keep up with the intake.
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Community Notices
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